Monday, March 30, 2009

"Strangles" at the "niegh" bors!

Howdy gang..... it's me "Copper" just wanting to tell everyone that I overhead the owner of
Down on the Farm Inc. tallking with the nieghbor over the fence the other day that they had
a outbreak of "stangles" on their property. I had one ear perked forward and tried not to get to
close because I know that if you get anywhere near this yucky disease it can make you really,
really sick. I know that it can give you a real runny nose, make your throat swell, and eventually
your glands get all full of yucky puss stuff and burst!! Thats when you know your going to get better..... but untill then the yucky stuff can get inside your throat and get so big you cant breathe, and yup you guessed it ..... .that is where the name comes from. It can "strangle" you so that you can't breathe no more.
I warned everyone in the herd here in texas to stay clear of the fenceline and for gosh sakes
dont sniff noses with any of the neighbors horses otherwise were looking to get sick here too.
I sure hope they listen to me!!! I also head the owner say she was going back to Minnesota
this week, and I am sure glad she is leaving me here for awhile because I know how cold
and snowy it can be even this time of year! I am quite content to graze in the sunny warm
breezes of 80 degree's Paris has been barking at me to come and join her and mosey over
to check out to see if the owner left the barn door open for me to sneak some more snacks of
grain, so gotta trot for now ....
till next time

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Babies and more Babies ...

We have now several new babies!!! 3 new baby pygmy goat boys, and 2 new girls. Also we
have 1 set of twin lamb babies a boy and a girl! Kiwi our black and white tennesee walker mare
also had a brand new foal born on February 9th. We named her "Mango" and sbe is a paint filly
with brown ears and a brown spot on her hip. We will try to post pictures very soon!
Also we are expecting puppies from Paris on April 9th. Her ultrasound showed that she has 2
babies in her tummy. We are sooooo excited!!!